Thursday, September 5, 2019

                  All about the culture of the Huli People

The tribe of Huli is really famous tribe and culture.  The population of this tribe is from about 30,000
to 400,000.  They speak  huli Tok Pisin and  many also speak English.  They also eat what they hunt specially tree kangaroos and cuscus and also a special diet of yams and starchy root.

      Huli  man are well known for their usual clothes hula men wear woven wigs that are used as a headdress and have multicolored bundles to decorate their wigs. the boys have to go through a very interesting process that is that the boys are separated from their mothers when they are about seven or eight years old so they can live with their fathers to learn how to be a men. Then when they are 15 they begin  bachelor school which they stay from 18 moths to three years to learn about rituals and becoming a man.

Huli wigman

   The tribe is estimated to have lived in that region for about a thousand years. The Huli people traveled specially for trading. The tribe was discovered in 1934 when the European explores killed about 500.

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